Sign The Petition

Home affordability in Colorado, and especially in the Denver Metro area, is declining. By signing the petition below, you can tell your legislator that you support the creation of first-time homebuyer savings accounts.

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Home affordability in Colorado, and especially in the Denver Metro area, is declining. Coupled with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) desire to implement rules that could make financing more difficult to obtain, we have an environment that demands a policy solution. Accounts that help save for a down payment and closing costs, as well as any expenses commonly included for a first-time home purchase in the state of Colorado is that solution.

But if we want to continue to attract citizens who will build a brighter future to live and work in Colorado, then we should encourage them to stay and invest in growing roots here. Please support a First Time Homebuyer Savings Account bill that will enable future Colorado homeowners to start saving early for the costs of buying a home.

Help First-time Homebuyers

Make the American Dream of Home Ownership a Reality in Colorado

Home affordability in Colorado, and especially in Metro Denver, is declining. Coupled with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) desire to implement rules such as QM (Qualified Mortgage), which could make financing more difficult to obtain, we have an environment that demands a policy solution. Accounts that help save for a down payment and closing costs, as well as any expenses commonly included for a first-time Colorado home purchase, is that solution.

Support First-time Homebuyers’ Savings Accounts